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updates for the switchover of the automated external defibrillator (AED) equipment

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    From: The Virginia Tech Rescue Squad and Virginia Tech Procurement

    Update to original notice:

    The Virginia Tech Rescue Squad has received a number of questions regarding a deadline for automated external defibrillator (AED) transitioning and options for the recommended Zoll AED 3 unit. 

    The transition deadline will be tied to the expiration date on the pads in the existing Phillips units. Virginia Tech Rescue has a limited supply of pads which have an end of life date of June 27, 2024, should any department have an immediate replacement need. No new Phillips pads will be ordered.

    If a department would like to learn what their AED’s pad expiration date is, please email [email protected]. Units that fail to function during testing will be taken out of service immediately and will not be repaired. 

    One source for acquiring the recommended ZOLL AED 3 model is School Health Corporation, which is currently under contract with the Virginia Department of General Services. School Health’s product numbers for the Zoll AED 3 model are 1036282 or 1036283. If they are shown as backordered, School Health will direct ship once they become available. In the HokieMart comment field, reference State Contract OK-SW-300 when ordering from School Health Corporation.

    Other vendors sell this same model and departments are not obligated to use School Health Corporation. However, the Zoll AED Model 3 is the brand and unit that should be purchased to replace the older Phillips models.  

    Original notice:

    Departments with a registered automated external defibrillator (AED) with the Virginia Tech AED program, managed by the Virginia Tech Rescue Squad, should be advised that AED equipment should be transitioned to the Zoll AED 3 as soon as possible. 

    The Zoll AED 3 may be purchased through registered HokieMart vendors.

    In accordance with University Policy 5450, the Virginia Tech Rescue Squad, under the oversight of the Virginia Tech Police Department, has the authority to select, coordinate, operate, and manage all fixed-installation AEDs (with exceptions outlined in the policy). 

    Departments that currently have AEDs should register their equipment with the Virginia Tech Rescue Squad. 

    Questions may be directed to [email protected]


    Article information

    Author: Holly Palmer

    Last Updated: 1704553322

    Views: 2453

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    Author information

    Name: Holly Palmer

    Birthday: 1980-04-15

    Address: 4624 Victoria Estates Suite 650, Williamsland, NJ 99158

    Phone: +4490067093574613

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Metalworking, Archery, Fishing, Geocaching, Arduino, Surfing, Beekeeping

    Introduction: My name is Holly Palmer, I am a Open, daring, spirited, unreserved, Colorful, bold, sincere person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.